You can save money grocery shopping at Walmart. Let us face it. Inflation in today’s America is kicking the butts of an average working class American adult. I do not know about you, but the amount I spent on groceries ten years ago could not buy the same amount of groceries today. As the working …
Struggling to create the money plan to help you curb expenses and reach your financial goals? I have got you. Here are some articles to have you budget and save money.
Where To Put Your Savings To Beat Inflation
If you are a working class adult like me, you are always wondering where to keep your savings. This is because the traditional bank saving accounts is not helping us beat inflation anymore. I am always looking for where to put my money to grow. You should too. Here is why. According to the World …
How Much Should You Save Monthly To Avoid Money Issues
We- the working class adults, should prioritize savings because it saves us from sudden income disruption. The Covid pandemic proves this to be true. Any sudden disruption of our income flow, tends to wreck us when we do not have savings to endure hard times. According to Lending Tree, 30% of American working class adults …
How Much Should You Save Monthly To Avoid Money IssuesRead More
How To See Cheap Local Gas Prices By Zipcode
With the fluctuating gas prices nowadays, finding a cheap gas station is like hitting a jackpot. Yes- there are gas stations in every U.S city which sell car fuel slightly lower than their competitors. You can save a few cents per gallon, filling up at such a gas station. You can find the lowest gas …
Is Eating Out Wasting Your Hard-Earned Money
With the quick delivery services and rampant fast foods nowadays, it is easier not to spend time cooking at home. As a result, only about 10% of Americans love cooking at home according to a Harvard Business Review survey. This affects the economy positively, since the other 90% supposedly love eating out. For working class …
5 Best Budgeting Apps For Controlling Your Monthly Expenditures
A budget app makes it easy to track expenses. Without it, you would not know how much you are spending or saving monthly. Hence, the importance of having one, if you want to succeed financially. There are budgeting apps, which can help you do this without stress. It will only take a few minutes of …
5 Best Budgeting Apps For Controlling Your Monthly ExpendituresRead More