In a few months, I am going to be thirty. Reflecting back, I could not have been where I am today without some serious decisions I made in my early and mid-twenties. Where exactly am I today in life, my good reader? I am a graduate of two programs- engineering and surgical technology, with $0 …
How To Save Money On Coffee Every Morning
To buy a cup of coffee or not to? This is what I decide every morning, as soon as I wake up in the morning. Given that I am a heavy coffee user, drinking coffee daily can create a noticeable dent on my monthly budget. And, I know I am not alone in this case. …
How To Create A Personal Budget For Yourself
As a young adult, it is necessary to create a personal budget for yourself. This is because a majority of your monthly income will go into living expenses. Without a budget, you may be left with nothing at the end of every month. Besides, there are other reasons to make a personal budget. It can …
How To Save On Electric Bills In All Seasons
In summers and winters, the electric bills are outrageously high. According to Austin Texas Energy Consumption Data, there is a consistent jump in electric bills in the month of June through October. The average electric bill in each of these months is $123.85, compared to the average bill of $68.97 in other months. It is …
Are these 5 Unnecessary Expenses Costing You A Fortune
Expenses are part of our daily lives. In a society as ours with availability of varying choices, we cannot get away from spending money. Some of these expenses are unnecessary and avoidable. In fact, chances are your monthly expenses include services you barely use or need. This is power of consumerism. In the absence of …
Are these 5 Unnecessary Expenses Costing You A FortuneRead More
When You Should Finance A Purchase: 5 Best Times
There was a time debt was an abhorrence. You know, something only reserved for assets acquisition. Nowadays, this is not the case. Financial institutions have made it very easy to borrow money for purchases ranging from important to trivial things in life. With a majority of our population lacking a knowledge on when to best …