You do not have to make thousands of dollars in monthly income to take a vacation. It is a common misconception. You can enjoy the same travel experience on a low monthly income as high-income earners. I do not mean a watered-down version of the travel experience, but the real deal. You just need to …
Why You Need An Emergency Fund: 7 Unavoidable Reasons
Life is unpredictable. Life-changing situations can occur suddenly, when least expected. Sometimes, these situations can cost you a lot financially. Without an emergency fund to handle life-changing situations, they can create untold hardships for you. Some can get you so deep in debt, that you may never be financially free again in life. Scary thought, …
Why You Need An Emergency Fund: 7 Unavoidable ReasonsRead More
Grocery Bill Hack: How To Save Money on Drinking Water
Try to keep tabs on the cost of your monthly drinking water consumption. Without a grocery hack, it will rack up quite an amount of money. You would think for a liquid abundant in nature, drinking water should be very cheap. However, it is not cheap. At least, not cheap in some regions of the …
Grocery Bill Hack: How To Save Money on Drinking WaterRead More
Budgeting 101: How To Best Budget Your money
It is not a happy feeling living from paycheck to paycheck. This feeling is greatly amplified, when your monthly expenses always leave you without a single cent to save. This is not a problem caused by the government, the tax rate or your family. If you examine the problem closely, you will find that it …
5 Simple Ways To Save On Your Electric Bills
An electric bill has got to be one of the most annoying bills we try to control monthly. This is because it fluctuates wildly. Personally, I used to curse a lot whenever I receive my electric bills until I figured a way to control the factors that increase it. It took months of trial and …